Fire Doors
Do I Need Fire Doors?
This is one of the most asked questions I get from landlords, property developers and first-time property investors.
Fire doors are one of the most important and often overlooked, fire safety items in your property. The key to passive fire protection is to contain the fire to a particular room or compartment, giving tenants or workers enough time to leave a building and the fire service enough time to enter the building to tackle the fire.
Following recent events at the Grenfell Tower, more and more inspections and prosecutions have taken place.
Fire Doors In 90 seconds
The Components of a basic fire door
Basic HMO Fire Door
Do I have to replace my nice front door with a boring fire door?
No. Not always, in some cases it is possible to upgrade a door. There are various products on the market that allow for certain doors to be made fire resistant for 30 minutes and retain their original features.
These methods are often used in listed buildings.
There are also many types of fire doors available, so not all are the same boring looking lump of wood.
Who can fit my new fire door?
If you have the skills and tools for the job, you can do it yourself.
Ideally, a skilled carpenter should carry out the works, but make sure they are up to date with all the requirements of a fire door and always check all doors operate as required before paying them.
If I am renting out my house, do I need fire doors?
If you are renting out a house as a single dwelling for a single family then the answer is no.
If it is going to be let as a house share then you may need to check with your local authority as it may be classified as a HMO which changes things a little.
Can I paint my fire door?
Yes, you can paint or varnish your fire door, but ensure that the products you are using are suitable and of a high standard.